Sunday, December 30, 2012

December 30th, 2012

Hi Everyone, I have decided to start a new blog to help myself and everyone else keep track of what has been happening with my life since I embarked on my journey to Chicago!

I will admit that the posts might seem a bit random at first until I get a groove going, but for now it will just be random goings-on that I feel are noteworthy to myself and everyone I know. One thing I've noticed about Chicago is that change is hard to come by. I was just going through my 'Two Kingdoms' blog which I started while I was living in Taiwan and after reading through it, I realized that Taipei felt like a more dynamic place than Chicago is, to me anyways. That could be due to the fact that it is a different country with a different language and culture, and also that I was a student while I lived there. Or, it could be the cold stagnant winters in Chicago that diminish the memories of the sanguine summer days. Either way, it seems like in the Windy City the more things change the more they stay the same.

I started to write a short story and planned to have it finished before 2013 began, but it has turned into a more ambitious project than I intended. Which is okay considering the subject matter and I'm not trying to write an amazing novel that will become a classic, I'm just writing because I like to and I feel like it would be a good way for me to organize my thoughts. I have come up with an interesting take on the Russian concept of a 'double' wherein the story pursues a protagonist who is based on myself as an agnostic, but instead of meeting a 'double' the antagonist is a character that is based on my younger, more religious self. The conflict will naturally resolve around the moral dilemmas that I have dealt with and the conclusion is unresolved as I am still attempting to define my own worldview. I am looking forward to working on this project, but I think I need to get an outline before I get any farther into it.

Well that's all for now folks, goodnight and Happy New Year!